The Blue Lagoon of Oludeniz is located south of Fethiye and only 25 min. from the house. The beach is one of the most beautiful of Turkey. Clean, well maintained, great for children, good parking.
Oludeniz is one of the worlds best paragliding sites and has a loungy, lay-back atmosphere
The very small pebbles almost feel like sand, dont stick and guarantee crystal clear water.
Buzz Bar in Oludeniz
Lounging was invented here!
Great food, drinks, lounge-music and atmosphere.

Patara beach is one of the largest and most beautiful beaches near the ancient city of Patara in Turkey.

At 18 kilometres, Patara beach is the longest in its region and sometimes reaches a width of 200-300 metres. The beach has soft sand and shallow sea. It is the one of the places that sea turtle leave their eggs. Because of this, the beach is under protection. At its Eastern-most point there is a rocky outcrop looking over a spectacular rocky cove.
Patara beach restaurant.